Alyssa Milano Biolgraphy sexy picture and photos of Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano is an American actress and former singer. she was born December 19, 1972in Brooklyn, she began her acting career at the tender age of seven. She first bagged a role on the first national tour of "Annie", a musical on Broadway in 1979 which set her on the road to fame in a world of movies and television. Alyssa Milano's first breakout role was in television sitcom "Who's the Boss?" [196 episodes: 1984-1992] that brought her huge fame. Alyssa later rendered brilliant performances in Hollywood movies like "Poison Ivy II: Lily" [1996], "The Blue Hour" [2007], "Pathology" [2008] and many more gaining more fame as a top league actress in Hollywood. Her recurring television dramas "Melrose Place"[40 episodes: 1997-1998] and "Charmed" [178 episodes: 1998-2006] have headlined the popularity charts of massive television audiences. Besides acting, hot Alyssa Milano is also a melodious singer who recorded albums that sold well in Japan. Hot Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano's terrific acting talents, her sensuous beauty and appealing charms have all earned her a place on the list of our Top Ten Hollywood Actresses ranking at #8. Alyssa Milano is still in the reckoning headlining several of her upcoming projects which her fans would surely love to wait for.

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